Flemmings Chocolate Lava Cake
1 lb. Butter
1 lb. Semi-sweet Chocolate
8 whole eggs
8 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2 Tbs. flour
2 tsp. vanilla
Cut butter and chocolate into small pieces. Heat on low heat in the microwave or over a double boiler until melted, stirring occasionally. While chocolate is melting, combine whole eggs and egg yolks in a mixing bowl and whip until slightly thick, about 5-6 minutes. Mix flour into sugar then pour into eggs and whip for 1 minute to blend. Lightly whip the chocolate and butter until smooth. Add to egg mixture. Add vanilla.
Pour into ramekins (sprayed with PAM or shortening and flour) to about a half inch from the top. Chill for 2-3 hours. Place in a 400 degree oven and bake for 12-15 minutes. (Center will be a bit giggly.) Remove cake from oven and cool for 1 minute or a little more. Place cup on serving plate, top down and remove ramekin. Serve with ice cream or Whipped Cream. Garnish with fresh fruit or chopped nuts.
Larger ramekins take a little longer to bake (not too much, you still want it runny in the middle).
mmm chocolate lava cake. . . . mmm any time you want to make that you can. .. dad invited us over for dinner during conference. . . maybe then would be a good time to make chocolate lava cake. oh and I would love to help with anna's wedding, then i get a sure invitation. . . and I think if you decorate it just like you did the picture of the lava cake that would be great. . . rasberries would be a nice effect. . . what are anna's colors?